Skyn Esthetics Archives - Skyn Esthetics | Boca Raton Medical Spa


What is adult female acne?

Clear skin isn’t just a teenage dream! Adult female acne (AFA) is a surprisingly common concern, affecting women well into their 30s, 40s, and even beyond. This persistent form of acne can be frustrating, but we can guide you on how to take control of your skin – and have cutting-edge solutions to offer you. Connect with us:  clear and confident complexion awaits!

Acne can be frustrating, especially when it does not go away after your teenage years. Believe it or not, acne can continue to affect adults beyond adolescence, or develop for the very first time in adulthood. This may be particularly distressing for adult women, who are more likely to get acne after the age of 20 compared to men.

What is adult female acne?

Adult female acne can look very similar to teenage acne. While adult acne is commonly thought to affect the jawline and chin, it can appear on any part of the face or trunk. Adult women can have clogged pores, inflamed pus-filled bumps, or deep-seated cysts. Unfortunately, treatment options that worked well in the teenage years may not work as well in adult females with acne, due to triggering factors such as hormonal imbalance, stress, and diet.

There are many reasons adult females can get acne. Hormonal disturbances caused by pregnancy, menstrual cycle, menopause, and oral contraceptives can contribute to acne by modifying the production of certain hormones. These hormones stimulate oil production within the skin, promoting the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Stress can increase the production of substances that activate oil glands within the skin of acne patients. Consumption of dairy and high-glycemic foods is also linked to acne. Certain hair or skin products can clog pores and cause comedonal acne (blackheads and whiteheads). A board-certified dermatologist can help determine the appropriate treatment for the type of acne you have.

Consequences of adult acne and scarring

The extent to which acne causes emotional distress varies, and is not related to the severity of the acne or acne scars. Some women with acne may experience disruption in their personal and professional lives as they fear stigmatization in relationships and employment. Adult females may also be more likely to seek treatment for active acne when acne bumps and scarring persist.

Acne scarring can be disfiguring. Permanent changes in skin texture in the form of pits or raised scars may not be easily concealed with makeup. Raised scars may also lead to skin picking and worsening skin texture and pigment.

Acne can also heal with red or dark spots that may not resolve for weeks to months. The dark spots may persist even longer without proper sun protection, especially on darker skin. Having both acne and dark spots may negatively impact one’s quality of life and self-perception.

The emotional toll associated with acne may include an elevated risk of developing depression compared to patients who do not have acne. Clinical studies show that having severe acne can negatively affect quality of life on par with long-term diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, back pain, and asthma. If you have acne, extensive scarring, or dark spots of any severity that are affecting your mental health, you may benefit from earlier intervention with oral medications.

What are options for treatment and support?

Acne is a medical condition, but it only needs to be treated if the acne or marks left behind from it are bothersome to you. Please see a board-certified dermatologist (in person or virtually) for the best available options if you wish to seek treatment.

Your dermatologist may prescribe a combination of topical (skin) and oral treatments. Some of these medications may not be appropriate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or carry risks. Ask your dermatologist about hair and skin products that may be irritating, clogging pores, or promoting oil production in the skin, making your acne worse. Also, avoid skin picking to prevent scarring, and try to minimize emotional and physical stressors.

For individuals with dark spots or scarring, consult a board-certified dermatologist to get a personalized treatment geared to your skin concerns. Use a broad-spectrum, tinted sunscreen daily and reapply it every two hours to help prevent acne marks from worsening. If your acne is causing you significant mental distress, ask your doctor about mental health resources. Additionally, seeking treatment for your acne may help you feel better. Consider joining online or in-person support groups in your area.

Break free from adult acne. Experience the difference a personalized approach to healthy skin can make! Schedule an appointment today at 561-602-3383. For more tips, find us on Instagram.

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Glow with Glacial Skin

One of the most exciting advancements in the pursuit of healthy, radiant skin is Glacial Skin. This cutting-edge set of treatments offers a host of benefits for those seeking to enhance their skin’s health and appearance. Skyn Esthetics is not only a premier provider of this treatment but also the only provider in Palm Beach County! This treatment is truly a game-changer in how it can rejuvenate your skin like never before.

What is Glacial Skin Therapy?

Glacial Skin is a unique, controlled cooling treatment that can be tailored to a client’s specific needs. This treatment leverages the power of cryotherapy to rejuvenate the skin. This non-invasive procedure involves applying cooling techniques that invigorate the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote a youthful, glowing appearance.

Key Benefits of Glacial Skin Therapy

  • Reduces Inflammation and Redness

One of the most significant benefits of Glacial Skin is its ability to reduce inflammation and redness. Our skin experiences both internal and external stressors, which can lead to skinflammation. The cooling effects of Glacial Skin treatments soothe irritated skin, making them an excellent option for individuals with sensitive or rosacea-prone skin. By calming inflammation, it helps to achieve a more even and balanced complexion.

  •  Tightens and Firms the Skin

The cold temperatures in Glacial Skin stimulate blood circulation and enhance the skin’s elasticity. This results in tighter, firmer skin, which can significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Regular sessions can help maintain a youthful, lifted look, making it a popular choice for those looking to address the signs of aging.

  • Hydrates and Nourishes

Glacial Skin treatments provide deep hydration to the skin. This helps to restore moisture levels, soothe and refresh the skin, and make the skin look plump and healthy. Hydrated skin is essential for maintaining a youthful appearance, and this treatment excels in delivering intense hydration, reducing fine lines, and rejuvenating skin.

  • Enhances Overall Skin Health

Beyond the immediate cosmetic benefits, Glacial Skin promotes overall skin health. Improved blood circulation, reduced inflammation, and enhanced hydration contribute to a stronger skin barrier and better skin resilience. This makes your skin more capable of protecting itself against environmental stressors and potential damage.

Skyn Esthetics is the only provider of Glacial Skin in Palm Beach Country! Our team of experienced professionals delivers exceptional results. Whether you’re looking to soothe sensitive skin, combat signs of aging, or simply achieve a radiant glow, Glacial Skin has got you covered! Visit our socials or give us a call at 561.602.3383 to see the ways in which we can help you achieve radiant skin! 

Your Skyn Guide to Sunscreen

Sunshine is a mood-booster, but did you know you need sun protection every day, not just for outdoor adventures? As skin experts, we see the long-term effects of sun exposure in Florida — and it’s not pretty. As Erin Blaser, owner of Skyn Esthetics always says, “Wearing sunscreen daily is one of the simplest and most crucial steps you can take to protect your skin. It helps prevent sunburn, reduces the risk of skin cancer, and slows down the signs of aging. Just a few seconds each morning can make a significant difference in your skin’s health.”


Read more and learn to protect your skin from everyday sun exposure. 

You probably know sunscreen helps reduce your risk of skin cancer and prevents pesky wrinkles, dark spots, and other signs of premature aging.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and many dermatologists say that lathering up before spending time outdoors is a must.

“Sunscreen is one of the major components of sun protection,” Noelani González, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Mount Sinai West in New York, told Health. Yet even people who slather it on religiously may not know the best practices for sunscreen. These 15 tips will help you truly protect yourself from UV rays.

Apply Sunscreen Before Going Outside

Don’t wait until you get to your destination to apply sunscreen. Instead, use it at home so the product’s fully effective before you get out in the sun.

“You actually want to apply your sunscreen 30 minutes prior to exposure,” explained Jeannette Graf, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. That way, it has time to get absorbed and start working—so you don’t get UV exposure when your skin is vulnerable.

Apply Sunscreen Before Getting Dressed

It’s best to apply sunscreen when you’re entirely undressed and can apply it thoroughly.

Otherwise, “if you already have a swimsuit or clothing on, you’re likely to apply it gingerly, so you don’t get it on your clothes, which makes you likely to miss a spot or not apply liberally enough,” said Noelle Sherber, MD, a dermatologist in private practice and clinical associate professor of dermatology at George Washington University.

Apply sunscreen in front of a full-length mirror, said Dr. Sherber, which “helps ensure you entirely cover tricky spots like the mid-back and backs of the legs.”

Protect Your Lips

Dr. Graf said that just like the rest of your skin, lips are vulnerable to UV rays, so it’s essential to use sunscreen on your mouth.

But don’t use the same stuff you use on the rest of your body—it tastes weird and won’t last that long on your lips anyway. Try a lip balm with SPF, which is thicker, so it stays on longer.

“Then reapply even more frequently than you do body sunscreen since talking, eating, and drinking removes the sunscreen on your lips faster,” Dr. Graf explained.

Apply Sunscreen in Frequently Missed Spots

There are a lot of less-obvious areas people tend to forget to cover in sunscreen—and they’re just as essential to protect.

Dr. Graf said you should remember your:

  • Toes
  • Feet, including the bottoms
  • Inner upper arms
  • Underarms
  • Back of the neck under the hairline
  • Ears, especially the tops and back of your ears
  • Eyelids

Put that sunscreen everywhere.

Choose Sunscreen Based On Your Activity

The small print on your sunscreen label matters, so make sure you’re choosing the right sunscreen for your activity, especially if that activity involves sweat, a pool, or the ocean.

“Make sure you get a water-resistant formulation for swimming or activities where you’ll perspire because non-water-resistant formulas can slide right off,” Dr. Sherber said. “Plus, they tend to migrate into eyes and sting, whereas water-resistant ones won’t.”

Use the Right Sunscreen for Your Face

There is a difference between face- and body-specific sunscreens.

“Facial skin is generally more sensitive to irritation than body skin, so face formulations have been tested to cause less irritation and not trigger acne,” Dr. Sherber said. “If you’re acne-prone or sensitive, avoid the body versions for your face, especially the dry-touch sprays—they’re full of alcohol, which is very drying and irritating for facial skin.”

Use Sunscreen on Cloudy Days

Dr. Graf said it might seem counterintuitive to slather on sunscreen on a gray or drizzly day, but you can get UV exposure without ever seeing the sun in the sky. Eighty percent of UV rays still come through on cloudy days, so don’t let the weather determine your sunscreen use—apply it daily.

Apply Enough Sunscreen

Dr. Graf said that the old rule about using a shot glass worth of sunscreen every time you apply still holds up. (That’s about an ounce.)

A nickel-size dollop is the right amount for your face. From the neck down, 2 mg of sunscreen per square centimeter of skin is necessary, equivalent to about 2 tablespoons.

But now that more people are opting for continuous spray formulas, it can be hard to tell if you’re getting enough coverage. To ensure you’re using sprays correctly, Dr. Graf suggested holding the can six inches from your skin and spraying nonstop until you can see the moisture covering the entire area.

“Then rub it in—yes, even if the bottle says you don’t have to—so you don’t miss spots,” Dr. Graf said. “And repeat the spray a second time.”

Use Sunscreen Everyday

Unless you spend your time in a windowless bunker, you’re not protected from UV rays when you’re inside.

“Driving can be a major source of incidental exposure,” Dr. Sherber said. “The windows and windshield block UVB rays so you don’t see a sunburn, but UVA seeps right in, and that’s the spectrum that causes most skin aging and skin cancer.”

Your best bet is to apply sunscreen every morning, then feel free to sit by a window or drive! At the very least, use a moisturizer with SPF (sun protection factor) if you don’t want to add another step to your daily routine.

Use a Broad-Spectrum Formula

It used to be that many sunscreens only blocked UVB rays, the high-energy kind responsible for sunburns.

But shielding against UVA rays is just as important, Dr. Graf said, because they “penetrate the skin more deeply, are constant throughout the year, and cause premature aging.”

To be fully covered, look for sunscreens labeled “broad spectrum,” which block UVA and UVB rays. These formulas are readily available nowadays.

Choose the Right SPF

The SPF measures how well the sunscreen blocks out UVB rays—which primarily cause sunburns. There’s a common misconception that the SPF tells you how much longer it would take to get a sunburn than if you went out in the sun with bare skin.

You might think it takes 15 times longer to burn with an SPF 15 sunscreen. That’s not true. Many factors come into play regarding how quickly you burn, including the time of day, how much sunscreen you have on, and your skin characteristics.

SPF is a relative measure of the amount of sunburn protection provided by sunscreens that allows you to compare the level of sunburn protection provided by different brands.8The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15, while the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) recommends SPF 30 or higher.

But should you go higher? The AAD guidelines say they don’t provide much more protection—SPF 30 blocks 97% of rays, while SPF 50 blocks just 1% more. However, they do have some additional benefits.

“They absorb more free radical-producing energy, so I recommend them for the summer,” Dr. Graf said.

Graf’s caveat before you reach for the SPF 100: “The super-high SPFs can provide a false sense of security—like you’re protected for longer—but you need to reapply just as often as you would an SPF 30.”

Toss Old Sunscreen

If you’re using enough sunscreen when applying—that shot-glass worth or two coats of spray—then having bottles left over from years past shouldn’t be an issue.

But if you have a sunscreen bottle that’s been around for two years or more, Dr. Graf said to toss it since it can lose its effectiveness over time.

Shelf life is up to three years, depending on your chosen formula. Look at that date before you make your purchase, and continue to pay attention to it.

Sunscreens don’t always show obvious signs they are past their prime. And some don’t have expiration dates, so write the date you bought it on the bottle.

Elizabeth Hale, MD, clinical associate professor of dermatology at the New York University Langone Medical Center, also advised keeping track of where your bottle has been.

“Exposure to UV light and heat can degrade a product much faster. Avoid leaving a bottle in the car, direct sunlight, or even the bathroom, which tends to get humid,” Hale said.

Reapply Sunscreen Frequently

Reapplying sunscreen is just as important as putting it on in the first place because it doesn’t last all day. How often should you reapply?

It’s best to layer on more SPF every two hours. And if you’ve gone for a swim (even if your SPF is water-resistant) or have been sweating excessively, reapply immediately after those activities.

To be sure that you’re covered head to toe, dermatologists recommend applying sunscreen before you get dressed and then reapplying to all exposed skin.

Wear Sunscreen Even in the Shade

Seeking solace under a beach umbrella or an awning near the pool doesn’t mean you get adequate sun protection.

Sand and water reflect damaging rays, which means UV radiation still gets through when you’re under a beach umbrella, “so you still have to apply sunscreen if you’re sitting under cover,” Dr. Graf said.

A 2017 study found that 78% of participants who used an umbrella and no sunscreen got sunburned in one or more areas. And even if you don’t get sunburned, you still get UV exposure.

Protect Your Eyes

Sunglasses aren’t just a fashion statement—they’re critical to keeping your eyes safe from UV rays. Make sure your sunglasses offer UV protection because some inexpensive styles don’t have the protective coating.

“Without it, the dark lenses actually allow your pupils to dilate, allowing even more UV rays in, which can play a big role in cataract development,” Dr. Sherber said. According to a 2021 study, people who didn’t wear sunglasses had a 57% higher incidence of cataracts.

Finally, a healthy reason to buy a pair of lovely shades!


Let’s keep your skin looking its best, every day! Experience the difference a personalized approach to healthy skin can make! We have many tools to help your skin recover from sun damage — and prevent new damage from occurring. For example, we have the Aerolase® Neo-Elite that covers all skin tones and has zero downtime. Schedule an appointment today at 561-602-3383 and let’s determine the best tools for your healthiest, most beautiful skin. For more tips, specials, and new products, find us on Instagram.

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Unveiling the Secrets of Skincare Behind Hydrinity’s Formula

“Hydrinity Skincare has supercharged formulations backed by extensive clinical evidence. This skincare line is genuinely the next best thing for youthful skin!”
– Erin Blaser 

When a skincare company has a history of regenerative medicine using hyaluronic acid technology, having confidence in its anti-aging properties is a no-brainer. Hydrinity has taken the proprietary components of its research to become the leader in hyaluronic acid technology, providing the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid in its formulations than any other leading brand. Skyn Esthetics is proud to offer this premium product and invites you to learn more about Hydrinity here.

The American skincare industry is constantly reinventing itself, spurred by a seemingly limitless supply of new companies and products. Amidst this sea of offerings, Hydrinity is carving out a unique niche through its innovative, science-led skincare solutions.

“Understanding the science behind skincare is the key to creating effective and safe products,” says Keith O’Briant, CEO of Hydrinity. “By integrating cutting-edge research with natural ingredients, we are creating a new paradigm for skincare in America.”

A Deep Dive into Hydrinity’s Powerful Formulations 

Hydrinity blends science and nature seamlessly, thanks to their patented supercharged Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and proprietary PPM6 Technology. These scientific advancements, along with natural, potent plant-based extracts, form the backbone of the brand’s offerings. These star ingredients, boasting 2x the HA of any leading skincare brand, are endorsed by skincare experts for their age-defying, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

“By unlocking the potential of lesser-known but extremely potent botanicals, such as Kakadu Plum and Mexicana Flower Extract, we are bringing a new perspective to skincare,” explains O’Briant.

Unpacking the Relationship Between Skincare and Dermatology 

A pivotally unique aspect of Hydrinity’s R&D process is its strong nod to dermatological research. Derived from the world of wound healing, the technology used in Hydrinity’s product line is designed to promote the skin’s own regenerative and reparative processes to maintain optimal skin health.

Despite being a step beyond traditional skincare, these innovations remain accessible and affordable to the everyday consumer. It’s a refreshing approach in an industry that often sees science-led formulas come with a hefty price tag.

“The idea is to make groundbreaking skincare innovations accessible to everyone, without compromising on quality or efficacy,” says O’Briant.

The Power of Hyaluronic Acid: A Skincare Superhero Explored 

Hyaluronic acid (HA) has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. This naturally occurring molecule holds a thousand times its weight in water, making it an exceptional moisturizer.

Hydrinity takes the power of HA to the next level, utilizing its patented supercharged HA technology, boasting 2x the HA of any leading skincare brand. This approach allows for better penetration and retention of moisture within the skin, resulting in noticeably more youthful, plump, and hydrated skin within weeks.

“We aim to use key scientific advancements to optimize skincare product outcomes and thus pave the way for breakthroughs in the industry,” adds O’Briant.

Evolving with Change: The Future of Skincare with Hydrinity 

The future of skincare is adaptive, integrating scientific developments while honoring the bounty of nature. Hydrinity promises to stay ahead, continuing to mine the worlds of science and nature for ingredients and technologies that redefine how we treat, protect, and cherish our skin.

“Hydrinity is committed to pioneering new frontiers in skincare science, easing everyday skincare rituals, and uniquely addressing the various skin concerns of our consumers,” concludes O’Briant.

Skyn Esthetics is proud to offer the most discerning, premium products and services, and Hydrinity skincare meets our high standards! Hydrinity products reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, boost vital moisture reserves to help strengthen skin, protect the skin barrier, and improve elasticity. Are you ready for healthy, smooth, luminous skin? Embrace confidence and rediscover a revitalized version of yourself! Call us today to discover how skin science can be transformative for you! Call us at 561-602-3383 or visit our Instagram page to read more.

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Skyn Esthetics is now offering Bioderma to Cater to Every Woman’s Unique Sensitivity

At Skyn Esthetics, we’re proud to offer a range of skincare products, including the renowned Bioderma line, designed to cater to various skin concerns and types. Our commitment to providing high-quality, dermatologically-tested products aligns perfectly with Bioderma’s 25-year legacy of respecting sensitive skin. With a focus on gentle yet effective solutions, Skyn Esthetics aims to help individuals understand and care for their unique skin needs, ensuring that they can make informed choices for their skincare routines.


What is skin sensitivity, and how can I recognize it? A skin can be naturally sensitive by nature

Our skin can become sensitive at all stages of our life, due to many different factors. For example, the use of unsuitable cosmetic products can weaken it, since many of them are made out of low-quality ingredients containing tiny particles of dirt, called “micropollutants”.

Other harmful elements that should also be taken into account are: poor water quality, environmental conditions (UV exposure, temperature variations, wind, pollution, etc…), psychological factors (such as stress) and hormonal ones (menstrual cycles, for example). As a mediator between our inner biology and the outer world, our skin is exposed daily to multiple factors that can potentially sensitize it.

A quick reminder: other factors that can potentially cause skin sensitivity

  • Physical ones: UV radiation, hot and cold temperatures, wind, rubbing…
  • Chemical ones: use of cosmetics, soaps, water, shaving of the face (for men), etc.
  • Internal factors: spicy food, etc.

Having sensitive skin can lead to a feeling of discomfort. This acute sensitivity of the skin tends to lower its tolerance level. In cases of skin sensitivity, the skin reacts only in certain circumstances, and temporarily.

Who is concerned?

Skin sensitivity is a common condition that affects one third of adult men and women alike, although women are generally more concerned than men. Some types of skin are more sensitive than others for genetic reasons; also, it has been shown that the condition tends to improve as the person gets older.

But lack of attention and care for the skin or internal and external aggressions can also be factors that contribute to the appearance of the phenomenon.

How can I help my sensitive skin?

ONE MISSION: restore the skin’s natural balance and strengthen its resistance.


The way environmental conditions have evolved directly impacts the skin’s daily hygienic requirements, which now imply a further dimension: fighting against pollution and its harmful effects. Cleansing of the skin must now also prevent pollutants of all kind from penetrating, since these can damage the skin’s natural function as a protective shield. Cleansing has therefore become a major issue, since it alone can ward off any excessive sensitization of the skin.

Mission accomplished for Sensibio H2O – our micellar lotion, by mimicking the natural biology of the skin, can be used for all skin types, including the most sensitive. Sensibo H2O removes make up and pollution with highly purified water and micellar technology.


With its high tolerance formula,  Sensibio H2O respects the skin’s natural barrier and respects its subtle hydrolipidic film, thanks to a unique surfactant – a glycerol ester – that is mild and neutral for the skin.

This is a leave-in product, which eliminates any risk of bacterial contamination through water. With a pH of 5.5, it is respectful of the physiology of the skin.

Sensibio H2O, the ritual for those with sensitive skin

Adored by millions of women around the world Sensibio H2O has been the perfect ritual for all sensitive skins, for over 25 years!



To identify the triggering or aggravating factors responsible for skin reaction, please see a dermatologist. The practitioner will examine you to rule out the possibility of skin disorders are conditions that can trigger skin sensitivity and which require specific treatment.

On a day-to-day basis
All potential sources of skin aggression must be carefully avoided.

These include:

  • exposure to cold,
  • irritating products and traumatic cosmetic procedures (aggressive cleansing, exfoliation, unsuitable creams, etc.),
  • exposing one’s skin to the sun with no protective cream, since one of the sun’s harmful effects is to increase skin sensitivity.


  • Only use soothing cosmetic products, and limit their number.
  • Cleanse your face with a high-tolerance, soothing product, preferably a leave-in product.
  • Be very careful when drying your face; do not scrub but dab lightly.


  • Once or twice a day, gently apply a very high-tolerance lotion specially formulated to reduce skin discomfort.
  • Once or twice a week, gently apply an intense moisturizer such as a mask. Also, make-up should be minimal and chosen with great care.

A dermatologist is the best resource for identifying skin disorders, finding the cause of your skin issues, and developing an adapted treatment. Please consult your dermatologist, doctor or pharmacist so that they may best advise you on your personal skin regimen.

Prioritize the health of your skin in 2024. Your journey to radiant skin starts here at Skyn Esthetics with Erin and her team. Schedule an appointment today at 561-602-3383 or book an appointment here. Follow us on IG and like us on Facebook. Explore, learn, and glow!

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Laser Hair Removal: A Guide to Long-Term Smoothness

Ready to ditch the daily shave and embrace long-lasting smoothness? Laser hair removal might be your perfect solution! Understand how laser technology targets and reduces unwanted hair growth and explore the advantages below.

And remember, at Skyn Esthetics, we use the revolutionary Aerolase® – a laser specifically designed to permanently reduce hair on all skin types, without any pain or side effects. With a pulse duration of just 650 microseconds, shorter than the thermal relaxation time of the skin tissue surrounding the follicle, the Aerolase® effectively seals the heat within the follicle, preventing it from conducting to the surrounding skin.

See the benefits of hair removal with Aerolase® :

4-6 treatments for permanent smooth, hair-free skin.
Well-tolerated sessions, eliminating discomfort compared to other hair removal methods.
Experience cutting-edge Aerolase® laser technology.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure that uses a laser, or a concentrated beam of light, to get rid of hair in different areas of the body.

If you’re not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering.

Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the U.S. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light. This destroys the hair.

Laser hair removal vs. electrolysis

Electrolysis is another type of hair removal, but it is considered more permanent. A probe is inserted into each individual hair follicle, delivering an electric current and killing hair growth. Unlike laser hair removal, it works on all hair and skin colors but takes longer and can be more expensive. Hair removal can be an important part of transitioning for members of the trans and gender-expansive communities and can help with feelings of dysphoria or unease.

Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, chin, back, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other areas. However, you can’t get laser done on your eyelids or the surrounding areas or anywhere that has been tattooed.

Benefits of laser hair removal include:Precision. Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.

Speed. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.

Predictability. Most patients have permanent hair loss after an average of three to seven sessions.

Laser hair removal is more than just ”zapping” unwanted hair. It is a medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks.

If you are planning to undergo laser hair removal, you should limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis for 6 weeks before treatment. That’s because the laser targets the hairs’ roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.

You should also avoid sun exposure for 6 weeks before and after treatment. Sun exposure makes laser hair removal less effective and makes complications after treatment more likely.

Avoid taking any blood-thinning medications before the procedure. Talk to your doctor about which medications to stop if you’re on any anti-inflammatories or regularly take aspirin.

If you have darker skin, your doctor may prescribe skin bleaching cream. Don’t use any sunless creams to darken your skin. It’s important that your skin is as light as possible for the procedure.

Should you shave for laser hair removal?

You should shave or trim the day before your procedure.

What happens if you don’t shave before laser hair removal?

If your hair is too long, the procedure will not work as effectively, and your hair and skin will get burned.

During the procedure, the pigment in your hair will absorb a  light beam from a laser. The light will be converted to heat and damage that hair follicle. Because of that damage, the hair will stop growing. This is done over two to six sessions.

Before laser hair removal

Just before the procedure, thehair that will be undergoing treatment will be trimmed to a few millimeters above the skin surface. Usually, the technician will apply a topical numbing medicine 20-30 minutes before the procedure to help with the sting of the laser pulses. They’ll also adjust the laser equipment according to the color, thickness, and location of your hair being treated, as well as your skin color.

Depending on the laser or light source used, you and the technician will need to wear appropriate eye protection. They’ll also apply a cold gel or use a special cooling device to prodct the outer layers of your skin and help the laser light get into it.

During laser hair removal

The technician will give the treatment area a pulse of light. They’ll watch for several minutes to make sure they used the best settings and that you aren’t having a bad reaction.

Is laser hair removal painful?

Temporary discomfort is possible, with some redness and swelling after the procedure. People compare laser hair removal to a warm pinprick and say it’s less painful than other hair removal methods like waxing or threading.

After laser hair removal

The technician may give you  ice packs, anti-inflammatory creams or lotions, or cold water to ease any discomfort. You’ll need to wait 4-6 weeks for the next appointment. You’ll get treatments until hair stops growing.

You can buy tools to remove hair at home, but since this is a medical treatment, it’s better to have a professional do it. There aren’t any long-term studies on the safety or effectiveness of at-home devices. Plus, they’re considered cosmetic devices, not medical, which means they aren’t held to the same standards as professional tools.

Laser hair removal aftercare

The treated area will look and feel sunburned for 1-2 days. Cool compresses and moisturizers may help. If your face was treated, you can wear makeup the next day unless your skin is blistered. Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, sun lamps, or any kind of indoor tanning equipment.

Laser hair removal side effects

Over the next month, the treated hair will fall out. Wear sunscreen for the following month to help prevent temporary changes in the color of the treated skin.Other potential side effects include swelling, redness, and scarring. Permanent scarring or changes in skin color are rare.

Laser hair removal risks

Blisters are rare but are more likely in people with darker complexions. Another rare side effect is the treated hair turning gray or more hair growing around the treated areas.

Don’t get it done by an unlicensed technician. It’s important to go to someone you can trust. Before getting laser hair removal, you should thoroughly check the credentials of the doctor or technician performing the procedure.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of laser hair removal was $389 per session in 2020. The cost varies widely depending on factors that include:

  • Size of the area being treated and time required for treatment
  • Number of treatments required
  • Whether a doctor or someone else is performing the procedure
  • The part of the country where you’re having the procedure

Ask for a consultation to get a better idea of the cost for your particular case.

Laser hair removal is a procedure to remove unwanted hair using heat to damage the hair follicle. It’s a relatively fast process. When done by a trusted technician, it can guarantee long-term results with minimum side effects. It works best on those with contrasting skin and hair colors, for example, light skin and dark hair. It’s important to keep treated areas out of the sun and away from indoor tanning equipment.

  • How permanent is laser hair removal?

The results vary from person to person but can last months to several years depending on maintenance.

  • Is Brazilian laser worth it?

Brazilian laser hair removal gets rid of all the hair from your bikini zone, like a Brazilian wax would, but in a more permanent way. If you have light skin and dark hair, you will likely see good results from laser hair removal that can last much longer than other hair removal methods.

  • Does laser really remove all hair?

Laser hair removal may remove or greatly lessen the hair on your treated area.

Get It, Girl (or Guy)! The Transformative Benefits of PRX Derm Perfexion Treatments

While navigating the world of skincare, individuals are constantly seeking innovative and effective solutions to achieve radiant, youthful skin. One breakthrough in this pursuit is the PRX Derm Perfexion treatment, a revolutionary approach that offers a myriad of benefits for those looking to enhance their skin’s appearance and texture. Erin Blaser, aesthetician and founder of Skyn Esthetics, swears by this non-invasive treatment that will leave you with smoother, brighter, and tighter skin.

At the core of PRX Derm Perfexion is its ability to rejuvenate the skin through a unique combination of effective ingredients and advanced technology. One of the key components is trichloroacetic acid (TCA), a powerful exfoliant known for its skin-renewing properties. This acid works by stimulating collagen production and promoting cell turnover, resulting in a smoother, more youthful complexion.

One of the standout benefits of PRX Derm Perfexion is its versatility. Whether you’re dealing with fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, or acne scars, this treatment can be tailored to address a wide range of skin care concerns. The personalized approach ensures that individuals can achieve targeted results based on their specific needs, making it a go-to solution for those seeking comprehensive skin improvement. Founder Erin Blaser assures clients, “This really is a treatment that is suitable for everyone! Men, and women, regardless of how you are looking to improve the look of your skin, this treatment is for you!”

Another advantage of PRX Derm Perfexion is its minimal downtime. Unlike more invasive procedures, this treatment allows individuals to return to their daily activities relatively quickly. The recovery period is typically short, with some experiencing mild redness or peeling that subsides within a few days. This makes PRX Derm Perfexion an attractive option for those with busy schedules who still want to prioritize their skincare. Moreover, this treatment is not impacted by photosensitizing (sensitivity to sun exposure post-treatment), which significantly reduces adverse reactions.

PRX Derm Perfexion treatments are also known for their ability to enhance the overall health of the skin. The stimulation of collagen and elastin production contributes to improved skin elasticity and firmness. As a result, individuals not only experience a visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles but also enjoy a lifted and rejuvenated appearance.

PRX Derm Perfexion can be a game-changer for individuals struggling with acne scars. The treatment helps to resurface the skin, diminishing the appearance of scars and promoting a smoother complexion. This aspect is particularly significant for those who have battled acne-related skin concerns and are looking for an effective solution to restore their skin’s vitality.

The benefits of PRX Derm Perfexion treatments are truly transformative! This innovative approach to skincare has captured the attention of those seeking radiant and rejuvenated skin, and the professionals at Skyn Esthetics are ready to elevate your look! Meet the New Year head-on with your freshest, most youthful face! Visit our socials or give us a call at 561.602.3383 to see how we can help support you on your skincare journey and to book your appointment today! 

The Power of Microneedling for Radiant Skin

Are you seeking a rejuvenated, youthful complexion? Microneedling might be the solution you have been seeking. This innovative, minimally invasive procedure is taking the beauty world by storm, offering a natural and effective way to address various skin concerns. What are the benefits of microneedling, exactly? Erin Blaser, the founder of Skyn Esthetics, one of the most renowned Boutique Aesthetic & Medspa Centers in Boca Raton, FL, considers microneedling an extremely important treatment to help improve the appearance and texture of your skin. “To start, it can minimize stretch marks, scars, wrinkles, and other skin concerns” states Erin. 

 This piece is great for exploring the science behind microneedling, its benefits, and what to expect during the treatment process. If you are interested in exploring it further or have any questions, Erin Blaser and her team are here to get you the answers you are looking for.

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that uses a pen-like device with micro-sized needles to stimulate collagen and elastin production. It promotes skin healing and a more youthful appearance.

Fast facts about microneedling


  • Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that uses small, sterilized needles to prick the skin.
  • This treatment aims to generate new collagen and skin tissue to smooth, firm, and tone skin.
  • Microneedling is mostly used on the face and may reduce he appearance of acne, scars, dark spots, wrinkles, and large pores.


  • Microneedling is minimally invasive, requiring little to no downtime.
  • It’s considered safe for most people who are in overall good health.
  • The procedure may not be safe for people who use certain acne medications, those with active acne, or those with moderate to severe psoriasis or eczema. Your expert technician will assess and decide the best application process. If you’re seeing Erin, she will carefully determine your best course of action so that you experience stellar results.
  • You can experience minor redness and irritation for a few days after the procedure.


  • Each session may last only about 30 minutes.
  • However, you may need multiple treatments for the best results.


Skyn Esthetics offers Microneedling sessions at $350 per session. You can save money by purchasing a package of 3 sessions for $899 or a package of 4 sessions for $1099.


  • It’s effective in treating minor scarring related to acne, scars, stretch marks, and maturing skin.
  • You may notice brighter, firmer skin, too.
  • Ideal results are achieved after multiple sessions but may require a long-term maintenance plan.
  • Microneedling is far more effective than at-home rollers.

Frequently asked questions:

What is microneedling good for?

People typically use microneedling to treat scars, hyperpigmentation, and stretch marks.

How long do microneedling results last?

Results may vary based on the severity of the skin concern, its location, and the treatment plan used.

A doctor may recommend four to six treatment sessions. The skin may continue increased collagen production for 3 to 6 months after microneedling treatment.

Are derma roller results permanent?

No, derma roller results aren’t permanent.

While derma rollers work under the same principle as microneedling, they don’t penetrate the skin as deeply as microneedling does.

If you plan to use a derma roller at home, you may need to use it more frequently to maintain results. Talk with a dermatologist to determine what’s right for you. Erin would be pleased to discuss these procedures with you and get all of your questions answered. 

How many sessions of microneedling do I need for acne scars?

Treatment plans vary from person to person, but research has shown mild improvement in post-acne scarring after just two microneedling sessions.

After six sessions, people saw moderate improvement in their skin texture and good enhancement of scar appearance.

You can also schedule a complimentary consultation with Erin Blaser! She’s an expert in all things skin and would love to offer you personalized advice and treatment recommendations. 

This patient underwent her first session of microneedling with PCA chemical peels. This is also an option that Erin Blaser offers at Skyn Esthetics for her patients, once she creates their customized skin treatment.

Why is it bad to get microneedling while on isotretinoin (Accutane)?

It’s not recommended to undergo a microneedling procedure while taking isotretinoin (Accutane) as it may increase the likelihood of scarring from the procedure.

You should wait at least 6 months after stopping the medication before starting your microneedling treatment.

What are the microneedling pros and cons?

Pros: Microneedling can be less costly than plastic surgery and may help you achieve lasting results. It can allow your skin to become plummer, more textured, and smoother in the process. But beyond these basic microneedling benefits, it also offers several other VERY beneficial side effects that you can take advantage of. These range from healing acne to reducing scar formation and even helping you look 5+ years younger!

Cons: You may need multiple sessions to maintain your results, and the procedure is likely not covered by insurance.

Is microneedling better than Botox?

Microneedling and Botox have different purposes. Microneedling can treat scars, hyperpigmentation, and large pores by increasing the skin’s production of collagen. Botox injections prevent certain muscles from contracting and forming wrinkles on the skin. 

Ready to unlock the transformative power of microneedling for yourself? Discuss your individual needs and develop a personalized treatment plan. Let’s make 2024 the year you achieve your skincare goals and unveil your most radiant, youthful self! Schedule an appointment today at 561-602-3383. For more tips, find us on Instagram.

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Secrets to Healthy Skin Revealed

The end of the year is near and our attention turns to self-reflection and embracing a renewed commitment to well-being. Skin health, a vital component of our overall wellness, takes center stage. Below we explore some proven recommendations to equip ourselves with knowledge that empowers us to care for our skin more intentionally. Erin Blaser, the founder of Skyn Esthetics, one of the most renowned Boutique Aesthetic & Medspa Centers in Boca Raton, FL, consistently shares the best tips for healthy skin that will help you say goodbye to wrinkles, achieve a radiant glow, and maintain soft and supple skin throughout the year. (And you can learn more about Erin here)

1. Eat a healthful diet

There is a multibillion-dollar industry dedicated to products that keep your skin looking its best, and that claim to fight signs of aging. But moisturizers only go skin deep, and aging develops at a deeper, cellular level.
What you eat is as important as the products that you put on your skin. Your diet could improve your skin health from the inside out, so a clear complexion begins with eating a healthful diet.

Skin-healthy foods

Here are some foods that have been acknowledged by research as being skin-healthy.
Mangoes contain compounds with antioxidant properties. These compounds help to protect components of the skin, such as collagen.
Tomatoes have skin cancer-prevention benefits.
One study in mice revealed that daily tomato consumption decreased the development of skin cancer tumors by 50 percent after UV light exposure.

Consuming tomatoes on a daily basis may help to protect against skin cancer.
Research has shown that incorporating tomato paste into your meals may help to protect against sunburn. After 10 weeks, people who consumed 40 grams of tomato paste per day had 40 percent less sunburn than the control group.
Lycopene, the pigment responsible for giving tomatoes their deep red color, is thought to play a role in the protective effect of tomatoes against UV damage.
Olive oil is associated with a lower risk of severe facial photoaging — that is, cumulative damage to the skin that includes wrinkles, dark spots, and discoloration, which result from long-term sunlight exposure.
Cocoa flavanols found in dark chocolate may improve the structure and function of the skin. Scientists discovered that cocoa flavanols decreased roughness and scaling on the skin, increased skin hydration, and helped to support the skin’s defenses against damage from UV rays.
Green tea has been tied to many skin benefits. Compounds found in green tea called polyphenols rejuvenate dying skin cells, which suggests that they may be useful for healing wounds or certain skin conditions.
It has shown promising results as a potential treatment for skin conditions such as psoriasis and dandruff. Patches of dry, flaky, and red skin often feature in these conditions — usually as a result of inflammation and the overproduction of skin cells. Green tea may slow down the production of skin cells and suppress inflammation.
White tea has anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. One study indicates that some ingredients in white tea may protect the skin from oxidative stress and immune cell damage.
Kale is one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin may protect against light-induced skin damage, especially from UV rays.
Omega-3 found in oily fish, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds or oils such as linseed oil and corn oil may prevent dryness and scaling of the skin.
Soy may help to improve crow’s feet and skin wrinkles that appear at the outer corner of the eyes in menopausal women.
Never rely on foods to protect you from the sun. To protect yourself from sun exposure, always use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, seek shade between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and wear clothing that covers your skin and a wide-brimmed hat.

Calorie restriction diet

Research has demonstrated in mice that reducing calorie intake slows down the cellular aging process. This finding could prove to be an anti-aging strategy to test in humans in the future.
Scientists found that reducing the number of calories consumed by 35 percent had an impact on aging inside a cell. Cutting calories caused the cell’s protein makers, called ribosomes, to slow down, and the aging process also to decelerate.
This decreased speed not only lowered the production of ribosomes, but it also gave them time to repair themselves and keep the entire body functioning well.
Other early research has shown that allantoin — a compound found in many anti-aging face creams — mimics the effect of calorie restriction diets and increases lifespan by more than 20 percent. The elixir of life could be hiding in your bathroom cabinet.
Unfortunately, this research has so far only been conducted in worms. It may, however, eventually pave the way for new longevity pathways to explore in humans.


Cutting your intake of alcohol could lower your risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancers. Research uncovered that higher alcohol intake was associated with a higher risk of developing basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.
Researchers discovered that for each 10-gram increase in consumption of alcohol per day, the risk of basal cell carcinoma rose by 7 percent and the risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma rose by 11 percent.

2. Keep stress in check

Have you ever noticed that right before an important event, an unsightly pimple appears on your face? Well, scientists have identified some links between stress levels and skin problems.
In a study of college students, those who experienced high-stress levels were more likely to experience skin issues such as:

Using stress reduction techniques could help to keep your skin looking fresh and clear.

  • itchy skin
  • hair loss
  • flaky, oily, or waxy patches on the scalp
  • troublesome sweating
  • scaly skin
  • hand rashes

Other research showed that teenagers who reported high-stress levels were 23 percent more likely to have severe acne.
The researchers suspect that stress increases the quantity of sebum, which is the oily substance that blocks pores. This, in turn, leads to greater acne severity.
Reducing your stress levels may lead to clearer skin. If you think that stress is having an impact on your skin, try stress reduction techniques such as tai chi, yoga, or meditation.

3. Keep moisture in the skin

Skin moisturizers keep the top layer of skin cells hydrated and seal in moisture. Moisturizers often contain humectants to attract moisture, occlusive agents to retain moisture in the skin, and emollients to smooth the spaces between skin cells.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends the following ways to keep moisture in and prevent dry, red, and itchy skin:

Moisturize your skin immediately after getting out of the shower to lock in moisture.

  • Take one 5- to 10-minute shower or bath per day. Excessive washing can strip away the oily layer of the skin and dry it out.
  • Use warm water instead of hot water.
  • Minimize the use of harsh soaps. Use a gentle and fragrance-free cleanser.
  • Stay away from abrasive scrub brushes, bath sponges, and washcloths that can damage the skin’s surface.
  • Pat skin gently dry with a towel.
  • Moisturize immediately after washing. To trap moisture, ointments, lotions, and creams need to be applied within minutes of drying off.

Erin loves and highly recommends the CBD Skin Mist.

Infused with CBD and Vitamin B3, this mist is used to assist in balancing freshly cleansed skin for a radiant complexion. Vitamin B3 has been known to soothe irritation, reduce the appearance of redness, and improve overall skin tone. It is ideal for setting makeup or as a quick refresher throughout the day.

  • Use ointments or creams rather than lotions in order to minimize irritation.
    One of the best products to treat skin irritation is the Biome Support Complex from BIOJUVE — “This unique mix of proteins, polypeptides, antioxidants, and more works to boost and improve the effectiveness of the living microbe technology. It tightens, firms, and adds a touch of hydration to the skin, bringing back its natural radiance.” states Erin.

  • Never scratch the skin. Cold compresses and moisturizers should help to control itching.
  • Wear non-irritating clothes. When wearing clothing made from wool or other rough materials, wear silk or cotton underneath.
  • Use hypoallergenic laundry detergent.
  • Avoid getting too close to fireplaces and other heat sources that can dry out skin.
  • Switch on a humidifier in the winter to replenish moisture in the skin’s top layer.

Contact your dermatologist if these simple changes do not bring relief from dry skin. They can provide targeted treatment for your specific skin complaint.

4. Quit smoking

Smoking ages facial skin and skin located in other body areas. Smoking narrows the blood vessels found in the outer layer of the skin, which reduces blood flow and exhausts the skin of the nutrients and oxygen it needs to remain healthy.

Quitting smoking can improve your skin health and prevent smoking-related wrinkles from forming.
Collagen and elastin give the skin its strength and elasticity. Smoking may reduce the natural elasticity of the skin by causing the breakdown of collagen and reduction of collagen production.
Furthermore, the repetitive expressions that are made when smoking — such as pursing the lips — can contribute to wrinkles on the face.
If you currently smoke, the best thing that you can do for your skin health is quit. You can visit, an initiative from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), for information about quitting smoking.

5. Get your beauty sleep

Getting your beauty sleep will banish those dark circles around your eyes and improve your skin tone, and, best of all, it is free.

Getting the recommended hours of sleep could do wonders for your complexion.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults sleep for between 7 and 9 hours every day. Sleeping for under that amount of time could be detrimental to your health — and your skin, in particular.
Chronic sleep deprivation is known to be linked with obesity, immune deficiency, diabetes, and cancer, but research has shown that sleep quality may also have a significant impact on skin function and aging.
People classed as poor sleepers had increased signs of premature skin aging and a decreased ability for their skin to repair itself at night from environmental stressors such as sun exposure.
During deep sleep, your body enters repair mode and regenerates skin, muscles, blood, and brain cells. Without adequate sleep, your body is unable to produce new collagen. Collagen prevents your skin from sagging.
Try to get an early night and sleep for a full 7 hours to look your best.
Keeping your skin healthy and young does not necessarily mean breaking the bank by purchasing expensive creams and lotions; by following these simple steps, you can make dull and lifeless skin glow.
Prioritize the health of our skin in 2024. Embrace this season of self-care, and let the glow of healthy skin be your lifetime delight. Your journey to radiant skin starts here!  Schedule an appointment today at 561-602-3383. 
Follow us on IG at and like us on Facebook at Explore, learn, and glow!

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Elevate Your Glow: Skyn Esthetics Welcomes Transformative Skin Science

In the pursuit of radiant and healthy skin, Skyn Esthetics is thrilled to announce the latest addition to its curated selection — a revolutionary brand that transcends conventional skincare — Biojuve. Created by visionary skin scientists and endorsed by globally acclaimed board-certified dermatologists, BIOJUVE™ is the latest in natural, skin biome innovation. Erin Blaser, the founder of Skyn Esthetics and an expert in the realm of aesthetics affirms: “BIOJUVE™ leads the way in skin science, providing a regimen that ensures comprehensive care for both the skin and its microbiome. It is with great pleasure that we introduce these transformative products to Skyn Esthetics, they will definitely elevate my patients’ skyn care experience to unprecedented heights.” Discover how these products can not only enhance your skyn care but also boost your confidence.

Skin science like you’ve never experienced before.

BIOJUVE™ is at the forefront of skin science, with a regimen that offers complete care for both skin and its microbiome.

A Modern-day Skin Health Dilemma

Genetics, environmental factors, makeup, age, pathogens, and more throw the complex environment of the skin biome into chaos which can accelerate the visible signs of aging. We now have a significant opportunity ahead of us. Our skin has native microorganisms, such as certain strains of C. acnes, that have the ability to help repair, restore, and rejuvenate the skin biome.

This is Skin Science 2.0

Using one-of-a-kind, clinically proven living microbe technology called Xycrobe™ Technology, BIOJUVE optimizes skin health for a wide range of anti-aging skin concerns. Clinical study results show a significant improvement in the appearance of skin texture, tone, fine lines, wrinkles, and photodamage on all skin types.

Delivering Bioessentials™ 24/7

Xycrobe Technology delivers potent Bioessentials around the clock including proteins, fatty acids, polypeptides, and antioxidants. These help to support a healthy skin environment, fight oxidative stressors, promote proper skin hydration, calm the skin, decrease the appearance of erythema, and help to balance sebum production.

After 8 weeks of treatment, study participants had an

overwhelmingly positive sentiment toward BIOJUVE.



Because BIOJUVE is a new kind of science for skin health, you may have questions. Here are a few of the most common questions about BIOJUVE:

How quickly can I see results?

All endpoints measured in the BIOJUVE clinical study showed visible results in as little as one week with significant continuous improvement over 8 weeks.*

*Results may vary.

Are there any safety concerns associated with the BIOJUVE products?

No, there were no adverse reactions reported in the BIOJUVE clinical study.

Can you tell me about the preservative system in the BIOJUVE Living

Biome Essentials Serum that contains the Xycrobe Technology?

There are no preservatives in the BIOJUVE Living Biome Essentials Serum.

Do the Xycrobes wash off when I cleanse my face?

One of the values of Xycrobes is that they live and thrive deep within the hair follicles. Though some Xycrobes that have not yet engrafted, or adhered, to the skin may wash away, others that have engrafted and live deep within the hair follicles will remain intact. In all cases, Xycrobes will replenish each night that the Living Biome Essentials Serum is placed on the skin.

Can patients continue to use other products with BIOJUVE?

All of our BIOJUVE products were specifically designed to be Xycrobe-friendly, and the best results were achieved when incorporating the entire regimen. However, if you choose to incorporate any product outside of the BIOJUVE line, we recommend using at least one of our daytime products to protect the Xycrobes from anything additional placed on the skin (i.e., other products, makeup, environmental factors, etc.) We cannot guarantee the same results as seen in our clinical study as all of our BIOJUVE products were formulated to be conducive to Xycrobe health.

Say goodbye to skincare worries and welcome a luminous future with BIOJUVE. Proven clinically effective, these products do wonders by improving skin tone and texture, addressing concerns like fine lines and under-eye circles. Thanks to the cutting-edge Xycrobe Technology, BIOJUVE delivers a potent mix of Bioessentials, fostering a healthy skin environment, combating oxidative stress, and ensuring optimal hydration. This regimen is carefully designed to optimize skin health, offering a comprehensive solution that harmoniously reveals your skin’s full potential. At Skyn Esthetics, we believe everyone deserves a skincare experience beyond the ordinary, and this new brand is here to surpass expectations. 

Embrace confidence and rediscover a revitalized version of yourself! Join us in exploring the transformative realm of skin science, promising a radiant glow like never before. Visit our Instagram page to read more –



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