We’re all on a quest for that coveted radiant complexion. We invest in fancy serums, moisturizers, and masks, but often overlook one of the most crucial steps in our routine: cleansing. Not just any cleanse, though – the double cleanse can transform your skin from dull to dazzling. Double cleansing is a two-step cleansing method that involves using your daily cleanser to begin with and then following it up with another, more specific product to complete the cleansing process. This is not just another skincare trend; it’s a tried-and-true method with numerous benefits. We love the benefits of the double cleanse!
Deep Cleanse
The first step in the double cleanse involves using a daily cleanser. These cleansers are gentle enough on the skin, while effectively dissolving makeup, sunscreen, and even stubborn pollutants. The double cleanse is a process that is literally washing the day away from your skin!
Erin Blaser, the founder of Skyn Esthetics and an expert in the realm of aesthetics, says: “I highly endorse the practice of double cleansing, starting with skinbetter science’s Cleansing Gel or Glymed’s Vitamin C Cleanser for the initial cleanse.”
Gentle Exfoliation
After the initial cleansing gel, the second step allows you to further purify and refresh your skin while providing a deeper cleanse.
With a clean canvas, your skincare products can penetrate more effectively. This means your serums, moisturizers, and treatments will work better, giving you more noticeable results. It’s like creating the perfect environment for your skincare products to shine. Typically, the serums and essences we use are what we spend the most money on, applying them after the double cleanse helps to ensure you are getting the most bang for your beauty buck.
Hydration Retention
Double cleansing ensures your skin’s natural oils aren’t stripped away during the cleansing process. This helps maintain your skin’s moisture balance, preventing that tight, dry feeling that can often follow a single cleanse. After completing the steps above in your double cleanse routine, finishing it off with your moisturizer as your final step helps to lock all of the previous products’ goodness in your skin. Hydrated skin is happy skin!
As Erin shares, “Cleansing my face twice daily is crucial. If you opt for double cleansing, I strongly advocate incorporating it into your nighttime routine to effectively remove the day’s impurities. If your skin tends to be oily, consider a morning double cleanse. Personally, I double cleanse both in the morning and evening because it has become a fundamental part of my skincare routine!”
The double cleanse can truly transform your skin. It’s a simple yet effective way to ensure your skin is clean, glowing, and ready to absorb all the wonderful products you apply afterward. We have everything you need for your skin to radiantly glow! Are you ready to start your double-cleanse routine? Visit our socials or give us a call at 561.602.3383 to see how we can support you in your journey towards radiant skin!
Acne, a common skin concern that impacts individuals of all ages, does not have to rule your life and be all-consuming, as it seems to be for so many! Acne can be better understood with the help of an expert who can offer you personalized treatment options.
This comprehensive guide, below, will shed light on the path ahead. By consulting with us directly, you can receive firsthand answers and benefit from our wide range of tools tailored to your specific circumstances. Erin Blaser, the visionary behind Skyn Esthetics, recommends the remarkable Aerolase Laser as one powerful method to effectively treat active acne and acne scarring. In conjunction with that, she also recommends the Clearing Serum AlphaRet along with the AlphaRet exfoliating peel pads, both from SkinBetter, as another weapon in the acne battle. Come in and meet with Erin for a precise and personalized consultation. You’ll be so happy that you did!
Diagnosis of Acne
To diagnose acne, healthcare providers may:
Ask about your family history, and, for girls or women, ask about their menstrual cycles.
Ask you about your symptoms, including how long you have had acne.
Ask what medications you are currently taking or recently stopped.
Examine your skin to help determine the type of acne lesion.
Order lab work to determine if another condition or medical disorder is causing the acne.
Treatment for Acne
The goals of treatment are to help heal existing lesions, stop new lesions from forming, and prevent scarring. Medications can help stop some of the causes of acne from developing, such as abnormal clumping of cells in the follicles, high sebum levels, bacteria, and inflammation. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medications to take by mouth or apply to the skin.
Topical medications, which you apply to the skin, include:
Over-the-counter products, such as benzoyl peroxide, which kills bacteria and may decrease the production of sebum.
Antibiotics, which are usually used with other topical medications.
Retinoids, which come from vitamin A and can help treat lesions and reduce inflammation. They can also help prevent the formation of acne and help with scarring.
Salicylic acid, which helps break down blackheads and whiteheads and also helps reduce the shedding of cells lining the hair follicles.
Sulfur, which helps break down blackheads and whiteheads.
Topical medicines come in many forms, including gels, lotions, creams, soaps, and pads. In some people, topical medicines may cause side effects such as skin irritation, burning, or redness. Talk to your doctor about any side effects that you experience.
For some people, the doctor may prescribe oral medications, such as:
Antibiotics, which help slow or stop the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics for moderate to severe acne, such as severe nodular acne (also called cystic acne).
Isotretinoin, an oral retinoid, which works through the blood stream – bloodstream to help treat acne and open up the pore. This allows other medications, such as antibiotics, to enter the follicles and treat the acne. Similar to topical retinoids, taking the medication by mouth can also help prevent the formation of acne and help with scarring.
Hormone therapy, used primarily in women, which helps stop the effects of androgens on the sebaceous gland.
Corticosteroids, which help lower inflammation in severe acne, including severe nodular acne.
Some people who have severe acne or acne scarring that does not respond to topical or oral medications may need additional treatments, such as:
Laser and other light therapies. However, researchers are still studying the best types of light and the amount needed to treat acne.
Injecting corticosteroids directly into affected areas of your skin.
Superficial chemical peels that a doctor recommends and applies to the area.
Filling acne scars with a substance to improve their appearance.
Treating acne scars with tiny needles to help induce healing.
Surgical procedures to help treat and repair scarring.
In addition to experiencing significant scarring, people of color can develop skin discoloration after acne heals. Your doctor can suggest a treatment approach that can fade existing dark spots. Using sunscreen when outdoors is especially important to help treat and prevent dark spots.
Who Treats Acne?
The following health care providers may diagnose and treat acne:
Dermatologists, who specialize in conditions of the skin, hair, and nails.
Primary health care providers, including family doctors, internists, or pediatricians.
Living With Acne
If you have acne, the following recommendations may help you in taking care of your skin.
Clean your skin gently. Use a mild cleanser in the morning, in the evening, and after heavy exercise. Try to avoid using strong soaps, astringents, or rough scrub pads. Rinse your skin with lukewarm water.
Shampoo your hair regularly, especially if you have oily hair.
Avoid rubbing and touching skin lesions. Squeezing or picking blemishes can cause scars or dark blotches to develop.
Shave carefully. Make sure the blade is sharp, and soften the hair with soap and water before applying shaving cream. Shave gently and only when necessary to reduce the risk of nicking blemishes.
Use sunscreen, and avoid sunburn and suntan. Many of the medicines used to treat acne can make you more prone to sunburn.
Choose cosmetics carefully. All cosmetics and hair care products should be oil free. Choose products labeled noncomedogenic, which means they do not clog pores. In some people, however, even these products may make acne worse.
Acne can cause embarrassment or make you feel shy or anxious. If you have any of these feelings, talk to your doctor.
Start your journey toward clearer skin and unlock a newfound sense of confidence and self-assurance. Don’t let acne hold you back – take the first step now. Our experienced team specializes in personalized skin care solutions. Schedule an appointment today at 561-602-3383.
Caring for your skin doesn’t need to be tricky, but you might have already asked yourself what products are needed for a simple everyday skincare routine. Here are some key insights we are sharing for your everyday regimen. Whether you’re a skincare novice or a seasoned enthusiast, our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and guidance to achieve the best results for your skin. Need personalization for your concerns? Come in and see us for our latest innovative laser solutions, skincare lines, and outstanding facials!
You want to take good care of your skin. But stepping into a beauty store — or even the skin care aisle of the drug store — can feel instantly overwhelming. (Why are there so many products?!)
With so many products claiming to make your skin look ahh-mazing, it’s hard to know which ones you really need.
“A skin care routine should really be tailored based on each person’s individual skin type and what their goals are,” says dermatologist Shilpi Khetarpal, MD. “For younger people, it’s about protecting the skin from the sun and pollution. For someone who’s acne-prone, it’s about addressing that. For someone who has more mature skin, it might be about preventing fine lines, discoloration and other signs of aging.”
A good routine can help your skin look and feel great — but it doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Here are the basic steps that Dr. Khetarpal recommends.
A.M. routine
“Typically, I think of our morning routine as protecting our skin and our nighttime routine as repairing it,” Dr. Khetarpal says.
She recommends starting with these three products in the a.m.:
Cleanser: Even if your face feels clean in the morning, Dr. Khetarpal recommends washing it with a gentle cleanser, which will clean your skin without leaving it too dry — We obviously recommend the perfect Cleansing Gel from skinbetter.
Antioxidant cream, serum, or oil:If you’re looking for something that contains antioxidants such as vitamins C or E or ferulic acid, you might want to consider Erin’s favorite — the Alto Defense Serum. And here’s why you’ll absolutely love It: Besides providing daily antioxidant protection, Alto Defense Serum improves the appearance of uneven skin tone and redness. AlphaRetis an award-winning retinoid combined with an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that provides visible skin rejuvenation with little-to-no irritation. It improves the appearance of lines, wrinkles, uneven tone, and makes the texture smoother.
Sunscreen: Use a product with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. “I recommend a sunscreen with either iron oxide, zinc oxide, or titanium dioxide,” Dr. Khetarpal says.
At Skyn Esthetics, we highly recommend sunbetter TONE SMART SPF 75 Sunscreen from skinbetter – It offers the highest level of sun protection in a tone-adapting, creamy lotion that provides a hint of color. This fab product is an oil-free, broad-spectrum sunscreen that acts as a primer under makeup or in place of a light-coverage foundation. You will feel it helps prevent sunburn if used as directed with other sun protection measures to decrease the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging caused by the sun.
After these steps, you’re all set to put on makeup, if that’s your thing.
P.M. routine
At night, you’re focused on cleaning and repairing your skin. Here’s how you can do that:
Makeup remover:“Most cleansers aren’t going to take off all of our makeup, so it’s not a bad idea to do a makeup remover first,” Dr. Khetarpal says. There are a number of products that can remove makeup, including wipes, micellar water or balms.
Cleanser: You can use the gentle cleanser you use in the morning or a different one that’s more targeted toward your skin type. Acne-prone skin might do well with a face wash that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, Dr. Khetarpal says. Someone who’s in their 30s or 40s might opt for something with an alpha hydroxy acid, such as glycolic acid, that brightens the skin and can help with pigmentation.
Toner (optional):If you don’t use a makeup remover before washing your face, wiping with a toner afterward can pick up any additional dirt and makeup that your cleanser didn’t get. Dr. Khetarpal recommends this option for people who tend to have more oily skin. “Some toners are alcohol-based and can strip the natural oils from your skin and lead to dryness or irritation,” she says.
Night cream:As a final step in your nightly routine, apply a vitamin A-based cream to help build new collagen and keep your skin looking young. Dr. Khetarpal recommends one that contains tretinoin, retinol or adapalene. If it dries out your skin at all, you can add a moisturizer that contains ceramide or hyaluronic acid on top.
Choosing the right products and ingredients
When it comes to skin care, don’t judge a product’s quality by its price tag — or by the claims made on its label. Dr. Khetarpal recommends investing in products that contain ingredients that are backed by scientific studies, like the ones she mentions above.
“The products that are really going to help your skin aren’t always going to be the most expensive ones,” she adds.
Because many beauty products contain preservatives, chemicals or fragrances that could irritate or dry out your skin, it’s a good idea to introduce new products one at a time. If you have sensitive skin, Dr. Khetarpal recommends using a pea-sized dot of product behind your ear, along your jawline, and waiting a day or two to make sure your skin doesn’t react before applying it to your whole face.
It’s not just about what you put on your face
It’s important to remember that no product on any shelf is going to give you fabulous, glowing skin if you don’t take care of it from the inside out. Like the rest of your body, your skin won’t be at its best if you aren’t getting enough sleep (yes, beauty sleep is a real thing), managing your stress and eating a healthy, well-rounded diet.
Overall, you don’t need to have a degree in chemistry to figure out what skin care routine is best for you. You can have a simple, easy-to-remember process that helps keep your skin clean, moisturized and protected from the sun. In some cases, your dermatologist may recommend prescription medications or topical creams if you have a specific condition such as cystic acne, so be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about any unusual skin-related symptoms you may be having.
At Skyn Esthetics, our experienced dermatologists specialize in personalized skin care solutions. We can tell you the secrets to healthy and radiant skin. Schedule an appointment today at 561-602-3383 and find our Instagram community here.
Face and skin care treatments have come a long way in a few short years, and it can feel overwhelming to understand all the procedures and what they can do for you. You are not alone! This helpful piece provides valuable information on the Neo Elite Laser — and everything this technology does to improve skin!
What is the Neo Elite Aerolase laser?
The Neo Elite Aerolase laser is a versatile 1064 nanometer Nd:YAG laser that’s FDA-cleared to treat 36 skin concerns, ranging from acne and vein issues (like spider veins and angiomas) to rosacea, psoriasis, scars, hyperpigmentation (including age spots and melasma), and ingrown hairs (including pseudofolliculitis barbae or PFB).
“The Aerolase Neo laser can treat all five types of acne,” says Dr. Andrew Choi, a facial plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. “Acne treatment results vary, depending on the individual patient, but it effectively reduces or eliminates the number of bacteria dwelling in a patient’s dermal sebaceous glands.”
Sometimes called the LightPod Neo, it’s also used for laser hair removal, as well as overall skin rejuvenation and tightening.
The laser can also safely, painlessly, and effectively treat skin of color, as evidenced by a 2019 study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology.
What sets the Neo Elite Aerolase laser technology apart is its short, 650-microsecond pulse duration (the amount of time it takes to deliver laser energy to the treatment area). The standard 1064nm Nd:YAG laser has a long pulse, but due to its shorter pulse, the Neo has time to cool itself between pulses.
That means that the skin surrounding the targeted concern (veins, vascular lesions, sebaceous glands, the follicles of unwanted hair, etc.) never becomes too hot or uncomfortable. No matter what skin condition you’re having addressed, you shouldn’t expect any discomfort—there’s no zapping or hot spots, and no anesthetic is required. The experience is described as a mild, tolerable heat.
Because the deep heating of the laser occurs more rapidly than the rate at which heat is conducted to the surrounding skin, the Neo Elite doesn’t cause burns or the other adverse side effects that are sometimes seen with the traditional 1064nm Nd:YAG laser. Even for patients with olive, brown, or deep skin types, the risk of side effects is significantly lower than with most other laser treatments.
Downtime is minimal. Some patients report a slight redness in the treated area, although this usually fades within a few hours.
The family of Aerolase lasers includes the Aerolase Neo Elite, the Neoclear, and the Neoskin by Aerolase. Each serves a specific purpose.
What is NeoClear?
NeoClear is an Aerolase laser that uses 650 microsecond technology to treat active acne.
The light-based therapy is suitable for acne patients of all ages or skin types, but is particularly ideal for people who haven’t responded to traditional therapies or who are unwilling or unable to take oral medications like isotretinoin (aka Accutane).
NeoClear targets acne in several ways, including by reducing inflammation, destroying p. acnes bacteria (the bacteria that causes acne), shrinking or damaging overly active oil glands, and stimulating the production of collagen, to help prevent acne scarring and smoothing scars from previous breakouts.
What are the pros and cons of a Neo laser treatment?
An Neo Aerolase laser treatment is a very tolerable treatment option that’s usually painless without the use of topical anesthetics. Most patients report feeling a slight warming sensation.
The laser is safe and effective on all skin tones, including the most deeply pigmented skin. Its unique 650-microsecond pulse duration means the laser’s energy passes through the skin quickly and doesn’t overheat the epidermal melanin.
The Neo Elite’s 1064nm laser light is attracted to a combination of melanin, hemoglobin, and water within the skin tissue. Coupled with its unique skin cooling ability, the laser is able to safely treat a variety of skin concerns and skin conditions.
It’s proven to reduce the appearance of melasma, a condition that’s very difficult to resolve.
It’s particularly effective at reducing pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB), a hard-to-treat skin condition where hair grows back into the skin. PFB is most common in skin of color.
There’s generally no downtime after the treatment, so you can expect to return to your normal activities immediately. Any redness or inflammation should fade within a few hours.
The treatment doesn’t affect facial fillers, says Dr. Choi. “If you’re highly concerned, do the laser treatment first and then follow it with a filler injection.”
A single treatment usually isn’t enough to achieve the desired results. You’ll likely need 4–6 treatment sessions to achieve the full effect, depending on your goals.
You need to avoid direct sun exposure right after your treatment and wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ every day, to prolong your results.
Once you’ve achieved the results you’re after, you may need maintenance treatments every few months to every few years, depending on your concerns and how well you take care of your skin.
Skin improvements with the Neo laser may not be as significant as those you would get with a more invasive, ablative laser like the CO2. To improve outcomes, a Neo laser treatment can be combined with other procedures, such as microneedling with PRP (a combination known as a Vampire Facial), says Dr. Jason Emer, a dermatologic surgeon in West Hollywood, California.
How much does the Neo laser cost?
Your cost will depend on the number of areas you have treated, the number of treatment sessions you need to achieve the full effect, the experience level of your provider, and their practice location.
Since most indications for the Neo laser are cosmetic, it’s not likely that your procedure will be covered by health insurance.
How soon will you see Neo laser results?
How soon you’ll see results depends on your skin concerns and their severity. During a consultation with your doctor, they’ll recommend a full treatment plan, including the number of treatment sessions you’ll need.
Acne: One study on reducing active acne and acne scars included a series of 3 treatments, 2 to 3 weeks apart, but some providers recommend 4 to 6 treatments every other week to treat acne. Improvements are usually seen within 4 to 8 weeks, but acne is often a chronic condition, so you may need more treatments down the road to maintain clear skin.
Hair removal: Another study published in the Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy tested the device for its hair removal abilities and treated patients monthly for four months. You’ll need to commit to 4 to 6 laser hair removal treatments to get 84% hair reduction (which is very good, by laser treatment standards). Keep in mind, though, that permanent hair reduction is not the same as permanent hair removal; maintenance treatments may be needed, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Skin rejuvenation: 6 monthly treatment sessions are recommended to treat signs of aging, although improvements in signs of sun damage (fine lines, age spots, laxity) may be seen immediately or in the first few weeks after the initial visit.
Facial veins: Studies show an 80% improvement after 2 monthly treatments.
Rosacea: The manufacturer points to an 83% improvement after 4 monthly treatments.
Are results permanent?
How long your Aerolase laser results last will depend on your skin concern, skin care regimen, and how well you protect your skin from the sun.
For instance, if you’re seeking treatment for skin rejuvenation, remember that skin continues to age. So, once you’ve achieved the desired improvement in signs of aging from your first round of treatments, you’ll likely need additional sessions every year or two to maintain the results.
The same holds true for acne. According to the manufacturer, some people treated for acne have experienced clear skin for years, while others needed to be retreated after several months, when another breakout occurred.
Skyn Esthetics has the latest and best technology to help our clients achieve their skin goals — including the Neo Elite Laser! Plus, we are here to help you gain clarity on what procedures and treatments will ideally address your skin concerns and leave you feeling like your best, most beautiful self! Get in touch with us by conveniently booking an appointment here, and find out more at SkynEsthetics.
Oxygen is essential for life — and there are countless benefits that many of us may not even know! Supplemental oxygen therapy boosts energy levels, improves sleep, and more; are you aware of what oxygen can do for your skin? Discover how this critical element has instant benefits when used as part of your skincare regimen.
Oxygen facial is the newest buzz in town. This non-medical treatment offers a radiant glow to your facial skin overnight. According to Dr. K. Harish Kumar, MD, DVL, “oxygen facial reduces signs of aging, boosts collagen production, moisturizes the skin, and gives instant results”. In this article, we explore the benefits of oxygen facial and how it works. Keep reading to know more.
What Is An Oxygen Facial?
This treatment is designed to nourish your skin and promote collagen growth. It involves a machine that is used for spraying highly concentrated molecules of oxygen right into your epidermis (the outer layer of your skin). The oxygen that’s applied to your face and neck is infused with vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients, and botanical extracts (1). Celebrities, including Madonna, swear by this technique for smoother and plumper skin.
Fun Fact
Celebrities like Emma Stone, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Naomi Campbell, Channing Tatum, and Brad Pitt reportedly keep their skin looking youthful with the help of oxygen facials. It is obvious that the oxygen facial has a lot of benefits. Let’s take a look at them.
Benefits Of Oxygen Facial
Image: Shutterstock
Your cells need oxygen to stay healthy and nourished. The oxygen facial delivers oxygen to the deepest layers of your skin and makes it glow. Here are some of its benefits:
1. Boosts Collagen Production
Collagen is the protein that makes the cells stick together, providing strength and elasticity to your skin. When the collagen weakens (with age), wrinkles appear (2), (3).
One of the biggest benefits of an oxygen facial is the collagen boost it give to your skin, making it firm and reducing fine lines and wrinkles (4).
2. Detoxifies The Skin
The oxygen facial helps the skin utilize the oxygen and the nutrients and vitamins infused in it. Also, the hyaluronic acid serum used in it boosts the detoxification process of your skin, negates the effects of pollution, sun exposure, and diet fluctuation, and helps in the repair and regeneration of the skin cells (5), (6).
3. Speeds Up Cell Turnover
Our skin cells have a limited lifetime. They die, and new cells replace them. Oxygen is crucial for cell regeneration. It increases the rate at which new cells grow, which, in turn, helps in scar (from acne) healing. The oxygen facial gives an extra dose of oxygen to your skin cells, thus aiding faster cell turnover (7).
4. No Painful Side Effects
This process is exceptionally gentle on your skin and doesn’t cause any side effects, such as irritation, redness, swelling, stinging, and a burning sensation. It is suitable for people who have sensitive skin and those who want to avoid chemical beauty treatments.
5. Moisturizes Your Skin
Constant exposure to the sun, dust, and pollution rob your skin of its natural moisture content. This makes it extremely dry and lifeless. And if you have dry skin, these issues can make your skin worse. The hyaluronic acid in an oxygen facial deeply moisturizes your skin, restoring its pH balance and shielding it from sun damage (8).
6. Makes Your Skin Super Radiant
This facial removes all impurities from the epidermis (top layer of the skin), boosting the oxygen content. The hyaluronic serum used in it also removes the dead cells from the top layer, opens up clogged pores, and brings out that natural blush on your cheeks (9).
7. Heals Acne
Acne is formed when the skin cells are clogged, trapping dirt and oils in them, causing the pores to get enlarged. The hyaluronic acid used in oxygen facial helps in shrinking the pores and doesn’t let your skin accumulate dust and dirt. As a result, it remains glowing for longer, and you won’t get annoying pimples, zits, and acne (10).
8. Fast Recovery Time
Usually, in the case of other procedures and skin treatments, you have to wait for a specific period before you can go back to your regular skin care regimen. But in the case of the oxygen facial, there isn’t any particular recovery time. You can start applying creams, lotions, or makeup to your skin almost immediately.
9. Results Are Instant
You may notice immediate results after the oxygen facial. The benefits of an oxygen facial may include healing issues such as acne, wrinkles, and blemishes and it makes your skin younger-looking and glowing (11).
10. Treats Uneven Skin Tone
The serum used for oxygen facial is rich in hyaluronic acid, peptides, vitamins, and botanical extracts that treat uneven skin tone and make your face look bright (12).
How Does The Oxygen Facial Work? (Oxygen Facial Procedure)
Image: Shutterstock
This excellent skin treatment involves three steps:
1. The Light Treatment
A light (emanating from a stick-like machine) is used to infuse oxygen into your skin. This stick-like machine is rotated all over your face. This smoothens and calms your facial skin.
2. The Serum Treatment
This is the most crucial step in the entire process. The serum has hyaluronic acid, minerals, vitamins, and loads of antioxidants. These tighten the skin, make it radiant, and eliminate wrinkles and fine lines (9), (11), (12).
3. Massage
This is the final step where your skin is massaged with lotions and creams that nourish your skin and seal it so that the effects of the treatment last longer. Special oxygen-infused creams are used to massage, cleanse, scrub, and exfoliate your skin.
Quick Tip
Avoid applying makeup or heading out into the sun for 24 hours after getting an oxygen facial as your skin will be a little sensitive.
It is now evident why everyone in the glamour world swears by the oxygen facial. However, it might hurt your pocket (ouch!). But, hey, don’t worry. We have got some DIY solutions. These are super-easy and can be done at home. Take a look.
1. Combine all the ingredients, except hydrogen peroxide, in a blender. Make a thick paste.
2. Once the paste is ready, add hydrogen peroxide to it.
3. Gently apply it to your face in a circular motion.
4. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then wash with water.
Do not use more than the prescribed amount of hydrogen peroxide.
Consider the factors listed in the next section to buy the best oxygen facial kit for your needs.
Things To Consider Before Buying An Oxygen Facial Kit
Image: Shutterstock
Skin Type
Skin type should be the number one concern before you buy an oxygen facial kit. Not every facial kit is meant for all skin types. If you have dry or sensitive skin, a hydrating or moisturizing facial kit is your best bet. There are facial kits specially curated for oily or combination skin as well. Just check the product label to find out which skin type it is made for.
Skin Concern
If you have any pre-existing skin condition – like acne or blackheads – we suggest you consult an expert before investing in any product.
Side Effects
Although the main ingredient of oxygen facial kits is pure oxygen, some of the auxiliary elements may not suit your skin. Test the product as suggested before you apply it to your face. There might be mild side effects like temporary redness or swelling, but these effects are known to diminish soon after the completion of the application. If any side effects persist long after the application, consult a physician immediately.
Brand And Budget
There are many brands, local and international, available in the market that offer oxygen facial kits. Consider the different brands and their claims before you decide on what to buy. Also, select the one that suits your budget, but don’t overly fixate on price if you want the best for your skin.
Infographic: 5 Important Benefits Of Oxygen Facial
Oxygen facial is a new facial treatment that uses oxygen infused with essential nutrients and botanical extracts to boost collagen production and nourish your skin. We have discussed the most important benefits of oxygen facial in the infographic below. Scroll down to know more!
The professional team at Skyn Esthetics has several facial treatments to improve the health and wellness of your skin! We are here to optimize the health and beauty of your skin, and you will feel the difference! Our specialists will help determine the best treatment for your specific goals – get in touch with us by conveniently booking an appointment here, and find out more at SkynEsthetics.
We have all heard about (or know) people who go for regular facials for self-care and pampering — but how much do we know about the benefits of these treatments? Technology and research have vastly improved the effects and outcomes of these procedures, and there are more ways to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy and youthful! Here is an insightful dive into what facials can do for your skin.
A facial is one of those skin treatments that is so often talked about, we just assume that it is good for us. But exactly is a facial? And — more importantly — what does a facial do for your skin?
Simply put, or as celebrity esthetician Joanna Czech tells InStyle, a facial is “a multi-step, multi-purpose skin treatment that addresses your specific skin conditions in an effort to keep skin balanced, hydrated, clean, healthy, and glowing skin.”
“It contributes to the improvement of the appearance of your skin,” adds Dr. Hope Mitchell, M.D., Board-Certified Dermatologist and member of the Skin Of Color Society. “In addition, it purifies and regenerates your skin, which leads to an overall improvement in its health.”
So now that it’s confirmed by the experts to be beneficial to our skin health, let’s dive into what exactly goes on during one of the most popular skin treatments out there.
In general, facials can address a number of skin concerns. Czech lists hydration, brightening, purifying, balancing, calming, sculpting, and lifting of the skin as just some of the benefits that come with getting a facial. Dr. Mitchell adds that facials can also improve circulation, which results in stimulating collagen production and enhancing cellular health, and can help the skin care products in your daily and nightly routine to work better when you use them at home.
What kind of facials are there?
Whatever your skin concern may be, there is a facial that suits your needs. New York City-based licensed esthetician Sofie Pavitt says some of the most common facials are as follows:
Deep clean facials, which focus on exfoliation and extractions.
Facial massage, which involves deep massage techniques to relax and sculpt the face.
Chemical peel, which uses a chemical exfoliant to resurface the skin.
Hydrafacial, which involves a device to push and vacuum serums into the skin.
Laser facial, which rejuvenates the skin and targets redness, dull complexions, and oil congestion.
You can even find customizable facials that combine many of the listed ones above. At her own clinic, Czech creates her facials with clients during the consultation process. Depending on what the client wants to treat, she says her facials combine different technologies, such as LED, cryotherapy, microcurrent, negative Ionization, ultrasound, radio frequency, high frequency, water peels, and micro-puncture along with manual massage, or extractions (if necessary) along with appropriate skincare products.
Where should I go for a facial?
As with any skin treatment you’ll want to go somewhere that has licensed professionals performing facials on clients. So do your research. “First decide what your skincare problems are that you want to address,” says Pavitt. “Then, you can research in your area if there is anyone specializing in that.”
You can’t go wrong visiting a dermatology practice or a medical spa if you have questions; Dr. Mitchell says these places are where you’ll be properly guided by a dermatologist, esthetician, or licensed cosmetologist.
What type of professional performs this treatment?
Czech says that licensed estheticians and dermatologists are the ones you should turn to for a facial. If you want to verify that your technician is in fact licensed, she says you can check with your state boards to look it up. Pavitt adds that the studio or spa that you go to should also be licensed as a cosmetology business, so be sure to check for that as well to be thorough. “This is for your own protection and assurance that you are getting professional treatment,” she says.
You’ll also want a licensed professional that has an initial consultation before even touching your face. Czech advises making sure that whoever you see asks questions about your skin and health conditions so they come up with an appropriate treatment plan that best suits your needs.
How long does a facial take?
This is all dependent on what type of facial you book an appointment for, but Dr. Mitchell says they can typically take as long as 30 to 90 minutes.
How much does a facial cost?
Pavitt says that facial costs can vary, depending on location and what type of facial. (For reference, she says a basic deep clean facial in New York City can range anywhere from $150 to $200 at a reputable spa).
How do you take care of your skin pre- and post-treatment?
What you can and can’t do before a facial depends on what kind of facial you get. In general, Czech says that you shouldn’t be getting a facial for at least 72 hours after getting filler, botox, dental or mouth surgery, or certain laser treatments as you don’t want to cause any negative reactions from those. Pavitt adds that you might want to avoid using exfoliants or active ingredients for a few days before a facial to minimize the chances of irritation. You’ll also want to avoid shaving anywhere on your face for at least 24 hours.
Your technician will also advise you on how to take care of your skin after the treatment is done. Czech says that each person needs a specific skin care plan for their conditions and needs and that you should be getting proper product recommendations for your post-facial at-home regimen.
In general, Pavitt says you’ll want to avoid any exfoliation for a few days after and stick to gentle products such as the Pacifica Vegan Ceramide Extra Gentle Face Wash to soothe and calm the skin. You’ll also want to make sure your skin is protected from sun damage, so sunscreen every day is a must. She recommends something like the iS Clinical Extreme Protect SPF 30 to use daily.
Dr. Mitchell adds that you’ll want to avoid toners, especially ones that are alcohol-based have exfoliating properties, or are astringent. Try to stay away from makeup if you can and make sure any makeup or skincare tools have been thoroughly cleansed before use to avoid getting acne. On top of applying sunscreen, she says to drink plenty ot water and moisturize to keep your skin healthy.
How long do results last?
Czech says that your age, budget lifestyle, health, and other skin treatments you get can all affect how long results last. “Facial results are cumulative, meaning the more regularly you get them, the better the results,” she explains. “Think about facials the same way you think about eating healthy or exercising.”
The Bottom Line
Czech says that when you go to experienced professional, negative side effects should be minimal. Some facials, such as extractions and laser treatments may cause redness and sensitivity, but she says those side effects should subside after a day or two.
Pavitt adds that you should avoid treatment if you’re suffering from something irritating (e.g. perioral dermatitis) as a facial might make you flare up even more. Accutane users will also want to wait until their skin is stronger to take on additional treatments.
But this is why the initial consultation before getting a facial is important. You should communicate with your technician about what products you use regularly and if you’ve recently gotten fillers, botox, or dental, or mouth surgery. You should also disclose whether you’re pregnant or have any other health conditions. Your technician will guide you in getting the right facial to prevent harm from being done to the skin.
Skyn Esthetics is passionate about helping people maintain glowing, beautiful skin at any stage of life! We are here to pamper AND treat your specific skin challenges to help you (and your skin!) feel rejuvenated and refreshed! We would love to hear from you and chat about our facials and other treatments! Get in touch with us by conveniently booking an appointment here, and find out more at SkynEsthetics.
We face the world each day with our faces — and run the spectrum of caring for our skin, from splashing water on our mug to a full moisturizing and makeup routine. Even those blessed with the best genes should properly cleanse their face to ensure healthy, glowing longevity. These are some great tips to do precisely that!
Washing your face is a no-brainer, right? Well, not exactly. A 2017 survey by the skin-care brand CeraVe found that 80 percent of Americans make at least one or more common mistakes when cleansing their face — for example, more than half of us neglect to cleanse before bedtime.
There are plenty of benefits to washing right, says Joshua Zeichner, MD, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in the dermatology department at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. Removing grime and debris can help prevent acne breakouts. Ridding your skin of pollution buildup “minimizes free radical damage caused by particulate matter in the air, which is associated with premature aging,” he adds. What’s more, washing your face is key to removing dead cells that build up on skin and contribute to dullness — slough these off and you expose healthier, more radiant skin.
That said, it’s possible to be too enthusiastic about face-washing. “Overwashing and overscrubbing may leave you with a squeaky-clean feeling, but this actually is damaging,” says Dr. Zeichner. “When you’re washing your skin, you want to remove excess oil, dirt, pollution, and makeup without compromising the integrity of the skin barrier itself.” (The skin barrier is the network of skin cells and fats in the outer skin layer that protects your skin from the environment, he explains.)
A just-right washing routine is important for everyone, but especially those who have eczema and rosacea. “In these conditions, the skin barrier is naturally weakened, increasing the risk of inflammation,” says Zeichner. A gentle touch is needed so you don’t cause more irritation than is already there.
Read on to discover the dos and don’ts of proper face washing according to dermatologists, and watch your skin glow.
1 Do Choose the Right Cleanser for You
July Prokopiv/iStock
The right cleanser for you might be different from what your best friend is using, says Zeichner. “If you have dry or sensitive skin, stick to hydrating, nonfoaming cleansers, because the lathering agents used in foaming cleansers tend to be more drying on the skin,” he explains. Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser (Target.com) is a dermatologist favorite.
If you have oily or acne-prone skin, a foaming or salicylic acid–based cleanser may be best for you. “Foaming cleansers are better suited for people with oily skin who need a deeper clean, and salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that helps effectively remove oil from the skin,” he says. CeraVe Renewing Salicylic Acid Cleanser (Target.com) is one well-reviewed option.
There are also many different cleanser formulas that live somewhere in the middle, adds Zeichner. “From milks to oils, balms to waters, each cleanser gives a different sensorial experience to match your personal preferences,” he says. Whichever product you choose, beware of overwashing: If your face develops redness, peeling, or flaking, or feels tight or itchy, you might be overscrubbing your skin, Zeichner warns.
2 Don’t Rinse Your Face With Hot Water
“Washing your face with hot water can suck the moisture out of your skin, leaving it dry and possibly irritated,” says Dendy Engelman, MD, a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist and Mohs surgeon with Shafer Clinic in New York City.
Zeichner recommends using cool or lukewarm water to remove your cleanser. “Hot water can lead to facial flushing and a flare, especially if you have sensitive skin or rosacea,” he adds.
Dr. Engelman goes one step further, recommending cold water. It’s suitable for all skin types and can tighten the skin by stimulating blood flow and improving circulation, she says. “For acne-prone skin, cold water regulates sebum [or skin oil] production, which can in turn minimize pore size and prevent breakouts. Those with sensitive skin also benefit from washing their face with cold water because hot water will dry out your skin by stripping the oil levels needed to retain moisture.”
3 Do Wash Your Face Twice a Day
Getty Images
Zeichner typically recommends washing your face twice per day, in the morning and before bedtime. But going to bed with clean skin is a must. “If you’re going to wash only once, my recommendation is to wash in the evening to remove everything that has accumulated during the day so you sleep with a clean face on your pillow,” he says. And don’t forget to clean up after a sweaty workout. “If you work out, do your best to wash afterward as well,” he adds.
4 Don’t Assume You Need to Use Toner or Astringent
Sofie Delauw/Getty Images
Cleansers today are much more effective than they were in the past, so toner or astringent is not always necessary to fully remove dirt and oil, says Zeichner. “I typically recommend a toner or astringent only if you feel your cleanser is not doing the job by itself,” he says. If you do choose to use a toner, Zeichner recommends Neutrogena Pore Refining toner (Neutrogena.com) with alpha hydroxy acids to help remove oil and minimize the appearance of pores.
5 Do Use a Dedicated Makeup Remover
It’s important to fully remove makeup before you go to bed. “This can minimize the risk of developing skin irritation from the makeup itself,” says Zeichner.
If you wear light makeup, your regular face cleanser may be enough to remove it, he says. But you can also use an oil-based cleanser or micellar water to take off makeup. Micellar water contains micelle molecules that bind to both water and oil to effectively wash away dirt and makeup, according to the skin-care company Nivea. This is best used for heavy makeup, such as what you’d wear to a wedding or other special event. (Pro tip: It’s also effective for removing any costume makeup, such as what you’d wear for Halloween.)
For the eye area, Zeichner recommends a vegetable oil–based cleanser, such as Dermalogica Precleanse (Dermalogica.com), or eye-makeup remover. These oil-based products liquefy stubborn liner and makeup without rubbing or tugging on the delicate skin around the eyes. Optionally, you can follow this up with a second cleanse using a conventional water-based cleanser (but more on that later).
With your mascara down the drain, your cleanser can really do its job on the rest of your face. Yet Zeichner warns his patients to remove eye makeup cautiously. One way to do so gently is by patting the eye area vertically instead of rubbing. “Too much pressure or rubbing in the delicate area can lead to low-grade inflammation, which translates to hyperpigmentation over time,” he says.
6 Don’t Rub Your Skin the Wrong Way
For a gentle but thorough cleansing, your best tools are at your fingertips — in fact, they are your fingertips. Not only are they gentler and less likely to irritate your skin than washcloths or sponges, per the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), but it’s a great opportunity to practice self-care by giving yourself a light facial massage.
For an extra-deep clean, sonic cleansing can more effectively remove water from the skin, says Zeichner. “In fact, compared with manual cleansing, sonic-assisted cleansing more effectively removes particulate matter pollution from the skin,” he adds. For basic cleansing, Zeichner recommends any of the Clarisonic brushes (CurrentBody.com).
7 Do Use a Clean Towel That’s Only for Your Face
Cleansing involves more than just your face! Wash your hands thoroughly before you begin washing your face, says Zeichner. And resist the urge to dry your face with the family hand towel that’s been hanging over the rack for several days. Bacteria can breed on the towel and be transferred to your clean, dewy face. Use a soft, clean cloth that you use only on your face, he suggests. Gently pat your skin dry with a towel, and avoid rubbing or tugging on your skin. (Or consider air-drying, especially if you have sensitive, acne-prone, or dry skin, suggests the beauty company L’Oréal Paris.)
8 Don’t Skip Moisturizer After Cleansing
Eva March/Shutterstock
While you do want to give your face a good cleaning, you don’t want to overly strip the skin of essential oils or cause dryness, notes Zeichner. After washing, he recommends locking in hydration with a light moisturizer. “My favorite is the Water Cream by Tatcha, which offers effective hydration but feels extremely light on the skin,” he notes.
If you’re using acne medication or an anti-aging product like retinol, Zeichner recommends applying that product after you put on your moisturizer, since the moisturizer acts as a buffer to help minimize potential irritation.
9 Do Double Cleanse (but Keep It Brief)
Dr. Engelman suggests double cleansing — that is, washing your face and then immediately repeating — especially if you have dry or acne-prone skin. “Double cleansing is a gentle way to help ensure that you have thoroughly removed all makeup, dirt and impurities from your skin, without stripping or irritating the skin barrier,” she says. She recommends starting with a nourishing cleansing oil, like Elizabeth Arden’s Ceramide Replenishing Cleansing Oil (ElizabethArden.com), rinsing, and then washing again with your regular face wash.
But face-washing sessions should last no longer than two minutes, she adds, as too much scrubbing, rinsing, and cleansing may disrupt healthy sebum production and dry out your skin, causing irritation or inflammation. “Anywhere from 30 seconds to two minutes is optimal washing time.” And if you do have dry skin, ensure you’re using a gentle cleanser to avoid stripping your skin of necessary oils.
10 Don’t Exfoliate Every Day
Exfoliation is a key part of any healthy face-washing regimen — but it’s possible to overdo it, warns Engelman. “Exfoliating too often can strip oil levels from your skin and create unwarranted sensitivity,” she explains. “When our skin is under constant stress like this, it can actually cause the opposite desired effect and lead to inflammation, wrinkles, and accelerated aging.”
And while facial cleansing brushes are great to stimulate blood flow to the skin and give an extra-deep clean, she cautions that it’s best to limit their use to once or twice a week: “Using facial cleansing brushes too often will over-exfoliate the skin and can cause irritation [and] redness, and even damage the skin barrier.”
An optimal exfoliation frequency depends on your skin type and whether you’re using an exfoliating tool or a chemical exfoliator. Talk to your dermatologist to figure out how often you should be exfoliating.
Another fabulous way to care for your face is through treatments from professionals! The experts at Skyn Esthetics will curate a personalized plan to help you achieve your best, natural, glorious beauty. Get in touch with us by conveniently booking an appointment here, and find out more at SkynEsthetics.
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