Ashley Blaser
Skin Specialist
Ashley has been in the medical industry for over 20 years, working as a medical assistant. She transitioned to the aesthetic industry after receiving a job offer from a local Boca Raton dermatology practice. Over the years, while working with renowned plastic surgeons, Ashley developed a passion for this specialized field of medicine. Motivated to expand her knowledge, she decided to venture into plastic surgery and joined a med spa.
At the med spa, Ashley made significant progress in her career, swiftly advancing from a medical assistant for renowned dermatologists to becoming the medical assistant responsible for operating body contouring machines. She gained valuable experience collaborating closely with plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and other healthcare professionals. Working alongside these skilled providers, Ashley acquired extensive knowledge of laser treatments and aesthetics.
Ashley’s enthusiasm for the aesthetic industry grew as she witnessed her sister Erin’s professional growth. Determined to enhance her expertise, Ashley pursued further education and expanded her skill set to obtain a license. Her proficiency with lasers is comprehensive, and she now serves as the Lead Aesthetician at her sister’s aesthetic practice. She eagerly anticipates the opportunity to assist you in achieving your skin goals, leveraging her expertise in laser treatments. And the best part of it — Ashley is truly the “Laser Queen” at Skyn Esthetics.
Your beauty - in our hands
Our skin’s vitality extends far beyond its surface, profoundly impacting our mental, physical, and emotional well-being, much like our overall health and wellness. At Skyn, we wholeheartedly devote ourselves to nurturing, comforting, and empowering each and every individual who graces our threshold.